Tracy Packiam Alloway, PhD

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WJXT: Why Pets are good for Your Mental Health

1. Happiness boost
Researchers found that looking at your pet's eyes for 90 seconds (but
not 60 seconds!) boosted the hug hormone in both pets and humans! This
connection between the two is what researchers call oxytocin feedback
loop - everyone benefits!

2. Stress relief
When we feel overwhelmed, our body kicks into fight or flight mode and
our stress hormone, cortisol is elevated. Here is the twist - even
playing with an unfamiliar pet (so if you are not a pet owner!)
reduces cortisol levels. And all you need is 3 mins.

3. Emotional contagion
One study found that pets can differentiate between good and bad
emotions in their humans and offer comfort. So their paw on you may
not always mean more food please!