* Keynote in over 20 countries, including the USA, Japan, Germany, UK, Singapore, and Norway.
* Consultant, Chan-Zuckerberg Education Initiative
* Senior Fellow, Florida Institute of Education
* Patron, FlexiSchool Dyslexia, UK
Speaking topics include:
-WHAT is Working Memory?
-WHY is Working Memory important in education?
-HOW can we support Working Memory in students with ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, & Anxiety.
“A sellout! Brilliant, just brilliant. ”
“I have a child who has such difficulties. When I heard you speak today, I cried. Everything you said describes my daughter. Finally someone understands. ”
“As a godfather of a mildly autistic godson who started kindergarten this year, I HUGELY APPRECIATE the work you are doing. Thank you!”
“Thank you for a very thought provoking session. As a 40 year educator, I am awakening to areas of neuroscience that confirms many of my educational experiences but offers a new view into the way we think. ”
“Dr. Alloway is very knowledgeable on the topic and very articulate. I wish I had her to myself for an hour or two! ”
“I’ve been to six seminars and yours is the best one! ”
“I would like to thank you for your very informative and entertaining talk at the Science Festival. I find your work fascinating. May I just say that I was particularly taken with the way you presented your material and in awe of your ability to take questions throughout without losing your train of thought. It was one of the best presentations I have ever attended. ”
“It is the best course I’ve been on! ”
“Outstanding! I have been going to this conference for years and your presentation made it worthwhile! ”
“I was part of the webinar you presented this morning for the Olathe School District and am VERY excited to see the research and increasing awareness and training that is happening regarding it.”
“Many thanks once again for the most informative and enjoyable presentation you gave at St John’s Hospital. We all felt it had been a most worthwhile day. ”
“The feedback from the delegates has been very positive. I also personally thoroughly enjoyed your workshop and found it very useful and helpful.”
“Dr. Alloway is excellent! Every educator should hear her.”
“These sessions gave me real hope. I came to this conference so frustrated. I have some 5th graders who are really struggling. I didn’t understand why I would have to keep repeating and repeating myself and still they couldn’t follow the instructions. Now there is something I can do to help these students. ”